Monday, September 1, 2008

Xanga, I hardly knew ye.

I'm starting to remember why I love Xanga, and why I left. It's sad that those things can happen in 24hrs.

I left Xanga because it was simple. It wasn't MySpace; it was a blog with some friends. I left because I wanted to play with all the Krazy kOOl features that MySpace had to offer. That was too cluttered so I moved over to Facebook. It was clean, everything just ran. Then applications set in and suddenly everyone was either jumping ship for MySpace again, or embracing the non-stop onslaught of application invites. Now Facebook has begun aping MySpace even more and MySpace is aping Facebook and I'm hoping the social network site bubble will burst soon and all those people will come crawling out of their web havens rubbing their eyes and seeing what a big world it is again. But as with all my hopes of internet desegregation and freedom of information, they tend to end in disappointment as throngs of techno-junkies scream "GIVE ME MORE! GIVE ME MORE! I WANT SEGREGATION! MAKE MY INTERNET SMALLER! HOOK MY FACEBOOK UP TO AMAZON! IS MY GROCERY STORE ON HERE!? I WANT TO ONLY VISIT ONE SITE A DAY, BUT BE ON IT FOR TEN HOURS! PUT IT ON MY iPHONE SO I CAN SEND PEOPLE MESSAGES ON MY FACEBOOK THROUGH MY TEXT MESSAGE ENABLED PHONE!! THESE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT THESE THINGS ARE NECESSARY! THESE THINGS ARE REAL!"

Xanga used to take a second to post because the site was nothing but text. Now, I guess I'm old and everything looks feels and acts like MySpace. Xanga's become so cluttered it's the exact opposite of why I tried to come back to it. On to another blog site I suppose. Branching out into new territory. Someplace deeper in the internet where I am farther away from the BUY button.

There's something about visiting a blog that exists in its own world outside of Facebook or MySpace that is rather liberating. "The internet seems big again" to quote odinwise. I miss the text based internet. I miss the DIY nature of the freedom it represented. Now I feel like the internet is a gigantic void of time and space that sucks out your soul and replaces it with an Amazon Prime membership.

I know the internet can never be endless chatrooms again. But hell, the information super highway is a vast place, I'll keep trying to carve out my own niche.

So long Facebook and MySpace, you can find my videos on YouTube and e-mail me at

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